Who wants to learn English? Well… The answer is: “Who does not?”.
We all know that English has become a global language since last century. Everyone wants to learn it. Everyone wants to be good at it. Some to impress others. Some to improve their communication. Some to expand their business globally. Rest of them, only because they want to learn, which is the most noble.
But there is a sprinkling of things you need to leave behind if you want to be good at English.

First of all, you need to eliminate the element of shyness. That is the basic hurdle that would not even let you take a start.

Fear is also one of basic emotions in mundane nature. But fear not, because it is not invincible. Just trust yourself and beat it. Conquer it and be the victor.

Following rules makes life better? We all think so. But in learning, there are no rules. Especially When it comes to language, rules will only slow you down. Like grammar is set of rules to learn a language. But trust me, if you stick to it too much, you will never learn the language. So read, write, and speak. Fly free if you want to touch the skies.

Bad pronounciation:
Well. Avoid this. Because if you don’t, you might find yourself in awkward situation. Which can lead you to disappointment and giving up.

Never be arrogant. If you want to learn anything, be humble. Arrogance will prevent you from accepting mistakes, and if you cannot do that, how can you ever learn anything?

Do not reject anything, any content that can help you. Do not consider anything boring or useless. Take everything you get. Embrace it, because nothing in this infinite universe is without a purpose.

You start it, do it often. Wait… do it daily. And be regular. Eliminate diversions and stick to the mission. Never leave your position until the goal has been accomplished. Otherwise, you will be like orbiting in space, moving hither and thither, infinite journey, but no destination.

Is not laziness our biggest problem? Yes it is. We intend daily but we act never. Be resolute about your intentions. Never sit idle. Keep doing the work you need to do. Even in little parts, even little things about it. But, you can never stop. If you ever do, standing and walking again would be most difficult. So keep your moral up, and never be lazy if you want to learn it. If you want to learn anything.

Note: Keep these 8 things in mind. Avoiding them will help you doing anything and everything, not learning English alone.