We providing the serivces Oil & Gas sector
Production Chemical Group of Companies market speciality chemicals and provide services to the oil and gas exploration industry. These products, marketed under the trade name PRODUCTION CHEMICAL or PC span the complete range of speciality organic chemicals and solvents, including biocides, corrosion inhibitors, defoamers, emulsifiers, foamers, rig washes, scale inhibitors, hydrogen sulphide scavengers, formulated emulsion breakers, paraffin inhibitors ( including solvents and dispersants), and deoilers/water clarifiers.
Behind Production Chemical products are multinational companies willing to supply intermediates and research problems associated with the oil industry. Production Chemical has access to these facilities and any problem associated with oil and gas production.
Production Chemical will give the field service, technical backup, including research chemists to solve any problem with the production of oil and gas.
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