Examinations hub is an educational entity which specializes in examinations, tests and certifications. The company is a part of Hubs Commercial Group. Hubs Commercial Group has its head office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and branch offices in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates and Karachi, Pakistan. Examinations Hub offers services in two distinct domains related to examinations, test and certifications, physical services and online services. In physical services, available only in Pakistan, we conduct educational audits of schools, colleges, universities and coaching / tuition centers, provide staff to conduct tests & examinations and invigilation. In some cases, we take over the entire examination department of our client institute so that do they don’t have to maintain a whole department through out an entire academic cycle. We can design tests and examinations, conduct invigilation, prepare results, identify weak areas of students (and in some cases those of teachers) through most modern statistical analysis tools (such as SPSS), perform risks analysis (using TRIMS) and suggest ways and means to improve upon identified weak areas.
We also provide services to test students at their own premises. So the students can learn from any tutor or conduct self study but when it comes to testing of academic or professional knowledge we are the best in town. In fact, we are the pioneers to introduce the concept of “private examiners” to public and private sector education in Pakistan.
Our online services includes conduct of examinations and tests (in as realistic environment as possible) for a variety of academic tests (such as subject tests) , aptitude tests (such as GRE, SATs, aptitude tests for entry in to Defense Services Of Pakistan), entry tests (such as HAAD, MCAT, ECAT, BCAT etc) and professional tests (such as PMP, RMP, PFMP, PGMP, ACCA, PRINCE, CCNA, CITRIX, APM, CPD and PPM etc). We also have a facility to develop customized tests and examinations of any subject at any academic or professional level. As such we have more than 100 (foreign and locally qualified) teachers, professors, assistant professors, teachers, domain experts, retired military officers, educationists and officials who can design and implement any test in any field of arts, science and technology, including specialized subjects such as bio-medical technology or military technology, for example.
Examinations Hub also have a document repository where students, teachers and professionals can download books, Ebooks, essays, articles and other documents to prepare for tests, examinations and certifications. Some of the documents would help you to prepare yourself for a particular test, examination or certification and others could be for your day-to-day (or special) academic or intellectual needs. If you do not find the document you were looking for on our website, we can make a customized document for you. You can order either a hard or a soft copy of the required document. You can ask us to create notes to pass a particular test / examination, a presentation, article, term paper, book review, thesis, essay, paragraph, project report or contents for a website. You can chose length (volume) of the document in terms of pages or in terms of words. Documents can be delivered following any writing style and covering any subject, topic or knowledge area. You can provide us an outline or requirement document as well and we take full responsibility of the security and safe custody of the documents or any other information that you may provide us in this regard. You can fix a deadline for the delivery of the document and we will make sure that the deadlines are followed.
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