Seeking an experienced individual to create web / hosting presense. Support building a resilliant web sites. Help with internet search, social media and perform administrative tasks on a daily bases. The individual must have excellent technical skills, be a self starter. Knowledge and experience of gsuite as well as excel/google sheets is a must. You will be required to administer account entries using google sheets.
This role is varied and requires commitment from the succesful individual. Excellent opportunity to learn and contribute. You must be versatile, have an excellent attitude to work and be willing to learn and research as required. This is not a position for someone that expects complete hand holding. You will work on your own with minimal guidance.
Essential Skills: GSuite and Google Office Apps, Google Sheets/Excel, Google Forms, Advanced Google Search, Web and Web Hosting, Excellent English Written & Spoken
Basic Skills: Accounting, Data Entry, WhatsApp, Scripting, Python,
Excellent Written & Spoken English
Google Sheets / Excel - Ability to write Macro's
Google G Suite and Google Apps including doc, google forms etc
Web & Web Hosting Management
Advanced Internet Search skills
Social Media skills
Accounting and Basic Data Entry skills