ZAMTAS Technologies offers high quality products at competitive prices backed by highest standards of back up support. We believe in total customer satisfaction. We can provide
Automatic Door Technologies to meet customers requirements for their residential, commercial, Industrial Projects ,Food & Beverage Industries, Pharmaceutical Industries.
SS-TEK Solutions , Branch office in Asia, providing Hi Tech Solutions for Industrial, Building, Automation , and Industrial Automation Products & Solutions.
ZAMTAS Technologies is an Australian Owned and Operated company since 1998, We started as a small trading company with export of Automation & Traffic Products designed and made in Australia to the world. With years of experience in the Automatic Doors Industry, along with its range of Traffic Lighting and Products, ZAMTAS has grown its business over the years within Australia and Export Markets.
ZAMTAS deals in design, manufacture ,supply of Automatic Door opeartors for commercial and Residential Door Entries, Industrial Doors, Automatic Gate, Traffic Boom Barriers and Traffic Lighting & Controllers and ITS Products.
ZAMTAS provides high quality products at competitive prices backed by complete back up support in forma of technical assistance and parts support to achieve total customer satisfaction.
Our experienced and highly professional team of managers, engineers and technical staff, is ready to deliver a wide range of services and products to meet customer requirements for their particular Project needds.
We provide desgine and development serivces to our for our products and also assist companies involved in the supply and installation of our range of products, we provide complete product solutions with technical support for installation.
Our Automatic Door and Access Technologies, include:
Commercial and residenial Sliding and Swing doors
Automatic Sliding and Swing Gates
Traffic Barries
Industrial Doors
Pedestrian Barriers and Access Control
Accessories and Parts
Traffic Products and Technologies range include
LED Traffic Lights Designed and made to meet Australian and European Standards.
LED Street and Highway Lighting.
Traffic Controllers, FIxed time, Adaptive Traffic Controllers
SCATS ITS Solutions for Urban Traffic Control and Manangment
Pedestrian Traffic Control for Pedestrian Crossing and areas.
Variable Message Signs, Solar Speed Warning Signs (Speed Signs, School Area Signs, Road Safety Signs)
Security and Area Control Technologies.
Baggage Scanners and Metal Detector Products.
Walkthrough Metal Detectors.
Under Vehicle Inspection Systems (UVIS)
ZAMTAS Technologies has its office in Sydney Australia along with its branch offices in Asia. We work with majors suppliers from Australia, Europe and Asia for most of our products and solutions.
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