Hiring Of Consultant (Conducting Post-KAP  (Php) For Child Protection Project

Hiring Of Consultant (Conducting Post-KAP (Php) For Child Protection Project

5 Years
300,000 - 500,000 PKR
Job Type
Job Shift
Job Category
Career Level
Total Vacancies
1 Job
Posted on
Sep 15, 2021
Last Date
Sep 29, 2021
Pakistan Lions Youth Council, Pakistan

Job Description

Terms of References (ToRs)

Conducting Post-KAP (Knowledge, Attitude and Practices) Assessment with regard toPhysical and Humiliating Punishment (PhP)

PLYC is implementing five years SIDA fundedprogram CSO appropriation grant 2021 (Child protection Component) in Khanewal, Punjab.

  1. Objective of the Assignment

    1. The main objective of the Post-KAPsurvey is to gather key information/data from project working constituency and compare its results with the results of pre-kap survey conducted at initial stage of project.
    2. Activity also aims to establish a reference point for performance measurement of the project’s interventions.
    3. Post KAP survey will also explore how COVID 19 has affected the planned interventions; to what extent it impacted the achievement of desired results and how project has adopted to challenges posed by COVID 19.

  1. Scope

The scope of the assessment is limited to district Khanewal, Punjab; however, the consultant will also analyze the prevailing PhP situation in the Province through secondary data analysis.


  1. Key Deliverable of the Assignment;
    1. Holding preliminary meeting with PLYC to discuss TORs, scope and timelines of Pre-KAP survey.
    2. Desk review of existing material, policies and laws banningcorporal punishment / PhP within context of Punjab and finalization of sampling size for survey.
    3. Design, prepare and submit detailed inception report to undertake Pre-KAP survey at targeted districts. This will include final set of the all data collection tools. Inception report will also include a logistic plan of the field data collection.
    4. Data analysis and submission of preliminary report for review
    5. Prepare and submit final narrative analytical report with survey findings and recommendations to PLYC on PhP.
    6. Finalize the report based on the Partner’s and donor’s feedback.

  1. Payment mode
    • 20 % after finalization of inception report with methodology and work plan;
    • 40 % upon receiving of draft report;
    • 20 % upon approval of final report and PowerPoint presentation
    • 20 % after the final submission of report by addressing donor and partners feedback

  1. Key Competencies, technical background and experience required

Post Graduate degree in the field of education, human rights, international development, women’s studies and/or other related social sciences from local or international recognized institute;

    1. Strong understanding of children rights( specially violence against children) , education and gender issues;
    2. Experienceof planning andconducting quantitative and Qualitative surveys at broader level. Familiarity with the national, provincial (Punjab context) education, child protection and development context.
    3. Experience in planning, management, monitoring and analysis with regard to holding similar research assignments within rural context of Punjab and Sindh Candidates with strong research background would be encouraged to apply.
    4. Strong interpersonal skills and analytical skills. It may include demonstrated ability to interact effectively in cross-cultural environments, groups and with representatives from different stakeholder groups including civil society and government authorities.
    5. Strong written and oral communication in English.

In case of Individual Consultant/s:

  1. Technical proposal, containing detailed CV/s and suggested methodology
  2. Financial proposal
  3. CNIC of lead consultant and N.T.N number

In case of consulting firms:

  1. Copy of registration certificate and detailed organization profile
  2. CV/s of consultants/ personnel to be assigned for the assignment
  3. Technical Proposal containing suggested methodology for undertaking Pre-KAP survey
  4. Financial Proposal

Job Specification


Pakistan Lions Youth Council (PLYC) Established in 1986 as a non-state, non-profit voluntary, Prime Minister awarded organization working throughout Pakistan, Registered in 1993 under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies Registration & Control Ordinance 1961 (XLVI) Vide Number Registered Under Societies Registration Act of 1860.Pakistan Lions Youth Council (PLYC) is also certified with International Standard Organization (ISO), Pakistan center for Philanthropy (PCP), Punjab Charity Commission (PCC) , Economic affair division and having consultative status with Economic and Social (ECOSOC) Support and Coordination Department Economics and Social Affairs of United Nations.

PLYC’S Vision is that Pakistan is a country where people have all the basic facilities which are required to maintain the life at certain and better standard through integrated development process at the grass root level.

PLYCis implementing five years SIDA fundedprogram CSO appropriation grant 2021 (Child protection Component) in Khanewal, Punjab. The program has two outcomes: 1) Reduced PhP in communities, homes, and schools in selected rural districts and urban centers; 2) Improved prevention and response mechanisms to child protection violations in selected rural districts. The program focuses on working on Physical and Humiliating Punishment (PhP) with interventions that focus on bringing the appropriate legislation of banning the corporal punishment in all setting, inclusion of positive disciplining in teachers curriculum and working with teachers and parents on positive disciplining to reduce the incidents of corporal punishment.

The project has already conducted a Pre-KAP survey at the start of the project regarding prevailing situation inKhanewal districts with regard to PhP. The results of the survey helped in designingactivities and launching a campaign against PhP in program districts.

Pre- KAP survey also provideddetailed information on the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the parents, teachers and communities with regard to different aspects of PhP. Now project is in its final year, and this assignment is to conduct a Post KAP survey about PHP, and gauge the effectiveness of PhP interventions in comparison with the results of Pre-KAP survey.

Pakistan Lions Youth Council

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